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Natasha - Maternity

Writer's picture: Lauren Low Lauren Low

Natasha …

A little while ago I put a maternity model call out and the response you all gave me was MAAAASSSIVE!! I had so many models to choose from and so with great difficulty I narrowed it down to three, Natasha was one of my chosen three.

For Natasha’s Session we began with a Studio Session, I am a big believer in variety so I LOVE to begin in the Studio and then proceed to a nearby location. I have lots of coloured backdrops to choose from & so the variety in your session is endless. I chose to head out to Keptie Pond, it’s a great location with a beautiful setting for stunning images, I give my clients the choice of Location and you can pick anywhere within a 30 minute Drive of my home town of Arbroath, so if there is somewhere that holds dear meaning to your heart lets book a session together and capture your family right there.

I have 8 Stunning maternity dresses in various colours that you can choose to wear, PLEASE someone take away my bank card so I stop buying more… I just cannot help myself. There are soooo many colours.

I laid out 4 for Natasha to choose from and she chose my Favourite lace, Red Dress, A beautiful pure white split dress revealing her bump and then my navy blue full-length gown, which looks amazing on EVERYONE!!

Natasha in my Favourite Red Lace Dress

I captured images of Natasha alone in the Studio, this was my preference as she was a model call, however I do encourage the whole family to get involved and so when we headed out on location Natasha’s Husband, Chris and their two little girls, Grace & Millie joined us. These girls were full of personality and told me all about how excited they were for their little brother to join them in the world.

Together we created gorgeous images for the family to have and treasure for years to come, Again I love variety so I captured Mum & Dad, Mum & the Girls, The Girls alone, Mum alone & most importantly the family all together… as this is most likely the last photograph they will get together as a 4 before their gorgeous little boy enters the world to begin his life in their family we made sure to capture the love & incredible bond these 4 have together.

Gorgeous Full Length navy gown

Dad’s often say to me ‘I don’t like getting my picture taken’ and honestly, you are NOT the only one. I personally hate my picture being taken, I find it awkward and I never know weather to smile a big cheesy smile or act natural and I end up looking like a dafty. So I DO understand… BUT in years to come, your children will not care one little bit if Daddy has a funny smile, or Daddy’s hair isn’t sitting perfect, all they care about is this beautiful photograph they now have with their Daddy. THIS is why we encourage everyone to be involved, because after your gone ( hopefully a very long time away ) these photographs are all your children will have left. This is what they will treasure.

Family is everything - Let's include everyone

After your Session we meet up again, you come back to my Studio to view your photographs. So we met up with Natasha & the girls, Chris works away so he had to wait a little longer to see the images. Thankfully Natasha fell in love with lots of the photographs… secretly this is ALWAYS my plan. If you don’t love them all I come away a little sad to be honest, I want you to LOVE them all. I want you to have great difficulty narrowing the images down to your favourites, because these images are your gorgeous family. Right here. Right now. Just as they are in all of their craziness, loveliness & at their happiest too. Together.

Natasha chose to have her favourite photographs onto a personalised USB stick, I have various packages for you to choose from after your session…. something for everyone. A USB of the digital files is always the most popular, it is a great tool as long as you PROMISE me that you will get these images printed, I don’t want this USB to sit in a drawer and be forgotten about. I want your images printed, printed large, printed again and again for family. Printed out big on your walls, for friends and family to see but most importantly for those tough days, the days the kids are playing up and testing your patience. So that you can look up at those images on your walls and remember that they can be well behaved, that they are angelic and that even though they test your patience at least once a day those little happy moments together make up for it all.

One of my favourite images from Natasha's Gallery

I would like to congratulate Natasha & Family on the safe arrival of Harry, a gorgeous little boy who will already be loved more than he will ever know

Lauren x

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Lauren Low Photography - Arbroath, Angus - 07724581171

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